Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Vintage fun..

Twice a year all a lot of antique and vintage sellers get together and host a Vintage Fair out at Cantebury Racecourse. I love looking at all of the beautiful fashions, art and jewellery from bygone eras. There was a fashion parade this year and all the 30 plus contestants really went all out. There was even a drag queen in an immaculate 195o's ensemble who look straight out of a Miss Marple movie. My sister and I had much fun trawling each booth and I found the following gems.

Patterns for dressmaking... gorgous shirts from 1945, a dress pattern form the early 1970's for me. A cute a-line dress for the bub and the most gorgeous swimmers/beach outfit with a frilly-frill bottom as well. All 70's a go-go.

and knitting.....(not got me but for grandmama)....Just look at the photography in the pattern books. So funny and endearing! Only 50 cents each!!

and awesome kids books from the 1950s! I love the girls journal and the tiny tots bedtime story one.

There's always room for another book on the shelf.